Road Accident Compensation: Highlighting the plight of the underprivileged and unaware victims

BRTA sources said that there is complexity in the application process. There is also delay in getting compensation. According to BRTA estimates, out of the total applications, compensation has been granted against only 267 in 15 months. Only 23 percent of the applicants received compensation.

The government included a provision in the Road Transport Act 2018 for people affected by road accidents.

As per rules, Rs 500,000 is given as compensation to the family of a deceased in a road accident. If a person's vital organs are damaged in a road accident, he gets Rs 300,000. If an injured person has little chance of returning to a normal life, he gets Taka 300,000. If an injured person gets a chance to return to normal life, he gets Taka 100,000. In this case, no attention is being paid to who is responsible for the accident.

Speaking to Prothom Alo, BRTA patron and compensation fund chief Noor Mohammad Majumdar said they want to submit more number of applications. BRTA offices across the country are working to create awareness about compensation.

Regarding the delay in compensation distribution, he said that the process of recruitment of permanent manpower for the Trustee Board is going on. He said that the process will be further expedited.

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