Considering the adjusted division-wise population, it is found that Dhaka division has the highest population of 45,643,915 which is 26.88 percent of the total adjusted population. On the other hand, Barishal Division hosts the minimum population of 9,325,818 which is also 5.49 percent of the total adjusted population.
In addition, out of the total adjusted population, some 20.13 percent or 34,178,581 people live in Chattogram Division, some 10.49 percent or 17,813,957 people live in Khulna Division, some 7.44 percent or 12,637,524 people live in Mymensingh Division, some 12.24 percent or 20,794,023 People live in Rajshahi Division, some 10.61 percent or 18,020,073 people live in Rangpur Division and 6.72 percent or 11,415,021 people live in Sylhet Division.