Western style dress for female professionals in Bangladesh

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dressWhat is the dress for Bengali women? Sari will be the answer from many. But Sari is not the only dress Bengali women wore thousand years ago. During Muslim era women wore Salower and Kamiz also. Some cultural movements popularized Sari in this part of the world. But undoubtedly sari is not a suitable dress for women. Many say Bengali women remained almost naked wearing sari. Some personalities Like Begum Rokeya adopted blouse and petticoat with sari to give some comfort to women outside home. Yes women are now wearing western style undergarments like bra but since it is a conservative and male dominated society women never enjoyed the freedom to choose their outfits.

But now many women are wearing western style outfits, they are wearing those even in their workplaces. Fashion designers are advising to be cautious in this issue; they say women should consider their age, profession and environment of respective workplaces. If one is a teacher then jeans and T-shirt will not be a good idea for her. Weather in Bangladesh is hot and humid during most of the months of a year; so business suit is also not a good idea. Shirt, pant, skirt, scarf, anything can be suitable if color combination is right. So it’s time for women to choose the outfit which they like most and feel comfortable.

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Shihab Uddin Ahmed

Shihab Uddin Ahmed is with Dhaka News since 2011. He has long experience of writing on various issues for web medium. He has a master’s degree from Jagannath University. You can read his science articles in English and Bengali on https://fromreadingtable.com

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