Arab countries call for ‘leadership role’ in resolving Syria crisis

And late Wednesday, gas-rich Qatar and its tiny but strategic Gulf neighbor Bahrain agreed to reset ties, setting aside a long-running diplomatic feud.

Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, and Shiite democracy Iran have long been vying for influence around the region, with their proxy conflicts with Yemen and earlier Syria.

But analysts say Saudi Arabia is now seeking to calm the region so it can focus on ambitious domestic projects aimed at diversifying its energy-dependent economy.

Although the Arab League makes decisions by consensus, unanimous consent is unlikely, said a Riyadh-based diplomat, who declined to be identified.

“The aim of the meeting is to resolve the Gulf’s differences on Syria as much as possible,” the diplomat told AFP, while isolating Qatar.

“The Saudis are at least trying to ensure that Qatar does not object to Syria’s return to the Arab League, if the issue is put to any vote,” the diplomat said.

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