Speaking about the matter, Upazila Family Planning Directorate head Abdullah Al Mamun said that Koira is a densely populated upazila. Although there are 33 units of the Directorate of Family Planning in this upazila, there is a shortage of manpower to run them. Although there are all types of birth control medicines in supply, these services were not reaching the people due to shortage of unit staff.
The concerned persons say that a field worker should visit a couple’s house at least once a month. However, in Maheshkhali upazila of Cox’s Bazar district, it is a different scenario. There is only one family welfare assistant for 2,385 couples in Ward 2 of Matarbari union of the upazila. And hence every family does not get a Family Welfare Assistant even once in three months.
Speaking to Prothom Alo, Matarbari Union’s family planning inspector Mohammad Asiur Rahman said the union should have nine employees for 9,000 fertile couples. However there are only three family welfare assistants and one volunteer.
Maheshkhali Upazila Family Planning Officer (Acting) Shaikat Barua said that the family planning program is being hampered to some extent due to the crunch of manpower at the field level.