Putin warns of 'serious consequences' of oil price controls

Putin warns of ‘serious consequences’ of oil price controls

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Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday during a telephone conversation with Iraq’s prime minister that Western plans to introduce an oil price cap could have “serious consequences” for energy markets.

“Vladimir Putin stressed that such actions contradict the principles of market relations and have serious consequences for global energy markets,” the Kremlin said in a readout of the Russian leader’s conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani. is likely to.” ,

The Kremlin said the two sides also spoke positively about the work of the two countries within the framework of OPEC+, which helps “stabilize the world oil market”.

Western countries have imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia since Putin sent troops into Ukraine on February 24.

On Tuesday, the US Treasury Department said Washington and its allies are now planning to finalize a price cap for Russian oil in the “next few days”, as they seek to cut off a vital source of funding for Moscow .

The price cap will be the basis for a ban to take effect on December 5, which will ban firms from providing transport or insurance for Russian oil shipments sold above a certain price.

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