Reason behind high price of rice in Chattogram

Guti Gold variety rice is now priced at Taka 2,400 per bag and Taka 48 per kilogram, up from Taka 2,200 and Taka 44-45 respectively a week ago. Swarna-5 prices increased by Tk 250 to Tk 2,600 per bag and by Tk 5 to Tk 52 per kg.

Additionally, the per kg price of Miniket (Boiled) is now Rs 54, Miniket (Atap) is now priced at Rs 57, Paijam (Atap) is priced at Rs 52, Atash-1 and 2 at Rs 49 and Jirashel TK is Rs 69. An increase in the prices of these varieties has been recorded. Vaccines 4 to 7 within a week.

Mill owners produce 64-68 kg of rice from every 100 kg of paddy, which costs Tk 46 for each kg of coarse rice and Tk 56 for each kg of fine rice, excluding transportation and other related expenses.

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