Rising house rent protested. Part-I


Tenants of old Dhaka organized a procession yesterday protesting recent rise in house rent, I tried to know in detail what the real problem is.

After the liberation in 1971 almost all government and commercial activities are centralized in Dhaka. Still people do not have enough works in other cities and towns of the country, so people are forced to rush to the city in spite of various problems including accommodation and transportation.

So house owners are enjoying a monopoly business here, they are applying open market policy. They know people have to stay here in the city to survive, if they increase house rent their house will not be vacant. There was a time when house owners increased 500 tk every year. Now they are increasing 500 to 1000 tk in six month, in some cases 2000 tk. The house owners are like a landlord; they say construction material cost and maintenance cost increased, so we have to increase house rent. There are many examples where the house owners do not have any profession, except to look after their house that they rent.

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