Does intermittent fasting prevent liver inflammation, liver cancer?

“The vicious cycle of unhealthy diet, obesity, liver inflammation and liver cancer is associated with major restrictions and suffering for those affected and also represents a considerable burden on health care systems,” says Matthias Heikenwalder from the DKFZ and the University of Tübingen. “So we investigated whether simple dietary changes could specifically interrupt this lethal […]

Children with healthy eating habits have better cognitive development

“Children with healthy eating habits showed greater cognitive development than other children. In particular, better overall diet quality, lower red meat consumption, and higher low-fat dairy product intake were associated with better reasoning skills,” said Sehrish Navid, a doctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. Children who spent more time reading and participating in […]

How is obesity a risk factor for stillbirth?

“Obese pregnant people, particularly those with additional risk factors, may benefit from timely referral and greater monitoring closer to term, and those who may require preterm delivery due to the presence of additional risk factors,” Ramji said. Can.” Cahill, a registered dietitian, writes, “Focusing on weight when communicating risks may promote weight bias, weight stigma, […]

Extortion of Tk 10.59b annually from private buses, TIB reveals political involvement

A research by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) shows that 10.59 billion taka (1,059 crore) is collected annually from private buses and minibuses in the country. Meanwhile, individuals or groups associated with the party, traffic and highway police, officials and employees of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), owners and labor unions and representatives of the municipality […]