Attack on foreigners in Kyrgyzstan, Bangladeshi students in panic

Attack on foreigners in Kyrgyzstan, Bangladeshi students in panic

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Videos provided by Bangladeshi students showed horrific scenes of the attacks. A group of 15-20 foreign students, including Bangladeshis, were hiding in a room while one person was being brutally beaten and another was lying on the road. Local people were patrolling the city in 20-25 cars. They are using social media apps to trace foreign students.

Bangladesh Ambassador Monirul Islam said Kyrgyzstan's Foreign Ministry had informed him that the situation was under control and there were no confirmed injuries or deaths of Bangladeshis.

“We are monitoring the situation,” he said. Bangladeshi students have been told not to leave their homes. Still, there is fear of fresh violence,” he said, adding that they were maintaining communication with the students through a dedicated contact number of the embassy.

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