Eighty percent of husbands are tortured by their wives

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Domestic violence against women is a widely discussed issue. But men’s issues are being ignored. A private organization Bangladesh Men’s Rights Foundation was established in 2016. They are working to create awareness on ignored issues related to men. According to their study, eighty percent of married men in Bangladesh are psychologically tortured by their wives. But usually, men don’t disclose it because of social taboo and shame.

Bangladesh Men’s Rights Foundation was established to provide legal assistance and advice to men victims. This organization is also observing 19th November, as men’s day.

They say, women victims can complain to police but the criminal procedure code doesn’t allow men to complain against their wives for taking legal action.

Founder president and chairman of Bangladesh Men’s Rights Foundation Sheikh Khairul Alam said he himself is a victim. But human rights organizations are never interested in men’s issues. Men don’t have any platform to fight against torture from their wives.
General Secretary of the organization Engr. Faruq Sajed has commented, torture and injustice against men is on the rise in our society.

A university professor of women and gender studies at Dhaka University, Dr. Sanjida Akhter is little suspicious on the issue. She said, at the same time men is a torturer. Men may have been abused or psychologically tortured. But it’s because of their weak socio-economic status.

A human rights activist Shipa Hafiza who is former executive director of Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) has agreed on this issue. Hafiza said many men have come to ASK with complaint of abuse. She said, even one of her male colleagues was a victim. His wife brought serious allegations against him. That male colleague’s matter was highlighted on media and he was socially shamed. But later he was proved innocent.

Shipa Hafiza said men should also have legal protection. But she said women have women’s day that doesn’t necessarily mean men should have men’s day.

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Shihab Uddin Ahmed

Shihab Uddin Ahmed is with Dhaka News since 2011. He has long experience of writing on various issues for web medium. He has a master’s degree from Jagannath University. You can read his science articles in English and Bengali on https://fromreadingtable.com

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