Galaxy's black hole is surrounded by strong magnetic field: Astronomer

Galaxy's black hole is surrounded by strong magnetic field: Astronomer

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Nothing can escape their gravitational pull, not even light, making them impossible to observe directly.

But with M87* in 2019 and Sagittarius A* in 2022, the EHT captured the halo of light that arises from the flow of matter and gas that the black holes suck in and expel.

“By visualizing polarized light from hot glowing gas near a black hole, we are directly inferring the structure and strength of the magnetic field that drives the flow of gas and matter nourished by the black hole,” said Angelo Riccardi, a member of the Harvard Business School of Economics. Is.” Co-led the Whole Initiative and project.

Mariafelicia De Laurentiis, EHT deputy scientist and professor at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy, said: “Since both (black holes) are pointing us towards strong magnetic fields, it suggests that this may be a universal and perhaps fundamental feature. can be achieved through these types of systems.”

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