Unraveling the forest carbon mystery with drone technology climate change research

Estimating the absorptive capacity of a tree requires three measurements: height, circumference, and wood density, which varies by species. As an assistant looks through binoculars at birds that might hit the drone, the machine flies a path plotted in a computer program. “We collect data or capture (images) every three seconds,” explained FORRU field research […]

Bangladesh sees hope in new climate fund: key achievements and implications for the future

The Global Stocktake (GST) announced during the conference has highlighted several important issues. According to GST, without reduction in carbon emissions, the world’s temperature is projected to rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2025. To prevent this scenario, renewable energy use must triple by 2035, and the carbon emission reduction potential of existing energy sources […]

Oil-rich Gulf states’ fossil fuel strategy threatens COP28 climate action, experts warn

But “inevitable”, says Elgendy, “is a very calculative word”. In the name of energy market stability, fossil fuel giants including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and the United States have argued for continued new investment in hydrocarbons ahead of the final transition. In October, Jaber said, “We cannot shut down today’s energy system before […]

COP ‘Cooling Pledge’ pledges to reduce emissions by 68 percent by 2050

They contribute to emissions because of the electricity required to power technology such as ACs and fans, and because air conditioning and refrigeration generally rely on hydrofluorocarbons. These are short-lived but powerful pollutants that can have exponentially greater global warming effects than carbon dioxide. The United Nations has said there are already an estimated 3.6 […]

The important question of carbon footprint of technology in the era of AI

Silicon Valley AI tycoons believe the current discussion of AI’s carbon footprint is beside the point, and underestimates its revolutionary potential. “The naysayers believe it’s counterproductive,” Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang told reporters on a recent visit to his company’s headquarters in California. He argued that large-scale deployment of AI and faster computing would eventually reduce […]