Water crisis in Dhaka is due to load-shedding

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Intermittent power failures are causing troubles & sufferings to a large population. Also due to lack of power supply the water supply authority WASA is no capable of supplying water properly. This picture is in several places of Dhaka city. Many are collecting water from the water supplying Vehicle in the street.

It was known that among 566 pumps many were not operational. From 1st October 300 pumps were not operational for 1,267.5 hours. On 2nd October, 286 pumps were not operational for 763.25 hours, on 3rd October 294 pumps were not operational for 172.7 hours.

It was also known that the consumption of water on a daily basis is about 220 to 25 crore litres. But with the target on 28 August WASA could lift a peak of 209.41 crore litres. Due to malfunction of two deep-wells, the on going crisis is going on for the last few days. The authority said that the crisis is temporary and the problem may be over.

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