Premier urged to join hands to save tigers, save nature

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tiger-640Assuring her government will do everything necessary for conservation of the tigers, the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, on Sunday called upon the tiger range countries to continue their sincere efforts for protecting tigers, the United News of Bangladesh reports.

‘I want to assure you all that my government will do everything and continue all sorts of cooperation for conservation of the tigers. I also hope that the tiger range countries would keep their continued efforts for protecting tigers. Let us join hands to save the tigers and save the nature,’ she said.

The prime minister gave the assurance and made the appeal while addressing the inaugural ceremony of the three-day 2nd Global Tiger Stocktaking Conference 2014 held at Sonargaon Hotel in the city.

Bangladesh Forest Department under the Ministry of Environment and Forests has organised the three-day conference in cooperation with Global Tiger Initiative, Global Tiger Forum and the development partners, including the World Bank, aimed at saving the big cat from extinction.

The main objective of the conference is to review the implementation plan under the Global Tiger Recovery Programme for the tiger inhabiting countries. The conference will adopt a ‘Dhaka Recommendation’ for the conservation of tigers across the globe.

Sheikh Hasina, who received a token of appreciation from the organisers for her role in protecting tigers, urged the global community to protect the Sundarban as it protects the southern coastal region of Bangladesh from storms and cyclones.

The prime minister hoped that in continuation of the previous efforts, this conference will make a significant stride towards implementation of the Global Tiger Recovery Programme aiming to double the number of wild tigers by the Tiger Range Countries and their partners as directed by the ‘Thimphu Affirmative Nine-Point Action Agenda on Tiger Conservation’.

She said that wild tigers have for centuries occupied a special place in the nature and culture of Asia. Tiger has been declared as the national animal in many countries and it is a symbol of strength and courage.
‘Unplanned human population growth, indiscriminate industrialisation, destruction of forest and overall development pressure are causing depletion of the habitat of tigers.’

At the same time, Hasina said illegal poaching and squeezing of its habitat make the tiger an endangered species. During the last one century, the population of this majestic animal has been reduced from over 100,000 to a mere 3,700 worldwide now.

‘I hope that this conference would play a significant role in increasing tiger population, and conserving and ensuring secured life of this beautiful creature,’ she said.

The prime minister recalled that the Heads of Government of Tiger Range Countries, being the custodians of the last remaining tigers in the wild, gathered with the common goal of conservation of tigers at an International Tiger Forum in St Petersburg, Russia in November 2010.

About 140 representatives from 20 countries, including the 13 tiger range countries (TRCs), and donor agencies are participating in the conference.
The 13 TRCs that are participating in the conference are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and North Korea.

News Source: The New Age

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