Former concentration camp secretary, 97, convicted of Nazi war crimes

Former concentration camp secretary, 97, convicted of Nazi war crimes

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In a closing statement at the trial earlier this month, Furchner said she was sorry for what had happened and regretted that she was at Stutthof at the time.

Furchner worked between 1943 and 1945 at the Stutthof concentration camp near Gdańsk in present-day Poland.

The start of Furchner’s trial was delayed to September 2021 when she briefly moved. Caught for not appearing in court for hours.

Some 65,000 people died of starvation and disease or in the gas chambers at Stutthof. They included prisoners of war and Jews captured in the Nazis’ extermination campaign.

He was sentenced under juvenile law, due to the fact that he was between 18 and 19 at the time of the crimes.

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