Parents' top concerns: Excessive use of social media and electronic gadgets

Parents’ top concerns: Excessive use of social media and electronic gadgets

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But parents of all income groups rated other topics equally as well, including unhealthy diets, obesity, health care costs and lack of mental health services.

Obesity (48 percent), gun/firearm injuries (47 percent), lack of mental health services (47 percent), poverty (45 percent), drinking/drug use are just outside the top 10 children’s health concerns (44 percent), child abuse/neglect (42 percent), followed by unequal access to health care (35 percent), parenting stress (35 percent), inaccurate/misleading health information (31 percent), teen pregnancy/sexual activity (31 percent), discrimination (31 percent), unsafe neighborhoods (30 percent), gay/gender issues (LGBTQ) (29 percent), and health risks from polluted water and air (23 percent).

At the bottom of the list: the safety of vaccines (16 percent), overly involved parents/overworking (13 percent) and COVID (12 percent).

“Today’s school-aged children have experienced dramatic changes in classroom environments, technology norms and increased mental health challenges,” Woolford said.

“Parents should partner with schools, mentors and their child’s health care providers to address ongoing and emerging health concerns. They should also regularly repeat conversations with their children and teens that encourage them to share any concerns they may be experiencing physically and emotionally.

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