Have been seeing that trend for almost two years: Habib

Have been seeing that trend for almost two years: Habib

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Singer Habib Wahid
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I also find this surprising. Even now I get a lot of requests to do songs with Nancy. Nancy's sad songs create a different atmosphere with me. But, the number of romantic duets I have with him is more than his. If you do the math, you'll see that I've only made a few songs with Nancy.

We haven't even made 20 songs in the last 20 years. Still the audience demands that both of us should have recorded 200 songs in this long period. That's why sometimes it feels strange. Despite having such a limited number of songs, the audience still remembers our pairing! But this encourages me.

I sometimes do stage shows with Nancy and we have a duet segment there. Even after singing for half an hour, we could not get enough of our duets. I think many people from the previous generation as well as the present generation still listen to our old duets.

Therefore, the songs still retain their appeal. That's why they still demand new songs from both of us. And this is inspiring to me. I am confident that the audience will rediscover us with this song. Because I always create something new and unique with Nancy. This will continue further also.

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